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Why The 2016 Elections Can Affect The Entire World?

Trump-surprise-TWWhen talking about conventional wisdom, both the parties will be ranked at the same position. The foreign policy understanding is more or less similar with them. However, if the Labour party prevails four differences might take place in the policy. These changes can largely affect the way Australia deals with the rest of the world. Hence, it is important to understand the change in policies that the party wants to introduce. Labour party has pledged to open up about the sea boundary wit East Timor, which would establish the ownership of the gas and oil deposits underwater. The background of this policy is quite complex though.

However, the coalition refused for the policy change as East Trimor already has a good deal. Its 90% of the revenue comes from one area and the rest from a 50-50 split area. It is known as the Greater Sunrise field which is claimed to be in its territory, by Australia. The deadlock has become very intense in Australia. No minister from Australia has visited East Timor since the coalition was voted for. Now, East Timor has dragged Australia to the UN featuring an attempt to broker a deal with them. The anger between the two countries has given rise to a poisoned relation.

The matter is however a legal concern now. Australia must open up about talks with East Timor. Indonesia also shares a boundary with Australia and has always remained in its support. It is being watched whether Indonesia seizes on this precedent or not. For the negotiation to be held, many countries have agreed for support voluntarily. Australia along with other US allies have resisted from the negotiation. The ban passed by the coalition is emotionally appealing but is impractical at the same time. Currently Labour is echoing for a two states solution of the conflict, the future results are still not clear.

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